Septic / Sewer Lift Stations
Maintaining Your Septic Systems Since 2004
Water gets everywhere, but it doesn’t have to stay there. When you make a spill in your basement or you flush something down the toilet, that water has to go somewhere. Most homes are well-equipped with the necessary machinery for this.
However, even the most tireless plumbing system breaks down every once in a while. Sump pumps and lifting stations are no different. When they fall apart, you’re going to want them fixed as soon as possible to keep the water going where it’s supposed to.
Keep the Sewer Out of Your Home
Lift Stations might look similar to sump pumps, but they perform a much more vital function: keeping the sewer out of your home. The Lift Station is the connection between your home and the sewer system. When it functions as it should, the lift station churns out your wastewater and keeps it from coming back into your home.
Sewage and septic back flow is usually a sign that you have a broken Lift Station. Call us today for routine lift station maintenance or emergency repairs. We’ll send your sewage back where it belongs!
Get a Pump / Lift Station Inspection Today
You don’t have to settle for poorly performing pumps. Billy Bell Plumbing has offered superb plumbing repairs and lift station services to Northeast Georgia and the Gainesville area for more than a decade. We can handle whatever your septic service needs are.
Contact Billy Bell Plumbing today for fast inspection and/or repair service.
We’re available 24/7 365 days a year.
24-Hour Emergency Service! Call Now: 770-536-5083
Phone: 770-536-5083
24-Hour Emergency Plumbing & Septic Service
Billy Bell Plumbing
Plumbing, Septic & Well Services
5122 Browns Bridge Road - Gainesville, GA 30504 ::
Professional, Licensed, Insured